Well, that didn't work.

 Don't worry.  The lightsaber post is coming.  For now, have something that didn't quite work out the way I'd hoped.

Engineering for me is a lot of trial and error.  As such, it should come as no surprise to you that my creations don't always work out.  With that in mind, here's one of my failures.

It was supposed to be a ring that would heat and burn things when pressure was applied to the wire contact plate.  It is a very simple circuit that works (or should work) via induction heating.  The wire on top of the ring is a special kind of wire created specifically for heating elements.  As far as I can tell, the reason this design doesn't work stems from the tiny battery source used.  If I had a more powerful battery pack, this design would almost certainly work.  Perhaps in the next version I will build it into a watch worn on the palm of my hand.

Have some build photos:

The ring I started with:

The surface filed flat:

A small channel filed in for the underside of the wire so that the CR2032 batteries sit flush against the rung:

Side view of the finished product:


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