Using Airsoft Technology to Create a Custom Nerf Pistol

 Nothing gets me excited like a good project.  There is just so much fun involved in building something yourself, especially when it's an original idea or design.  I have always loved Nerf, though recent cuts in build quality have me annoyed at the brand.  Since I love Nerf and building things so much, it should come as no surprise to you that I have been involved with the construction of many Nerf blasters.  The first nerf blaster I built myself was made from simple PVC parts and a bike tire valve.  This design was a simple one-shot powerhouse, and it worked quite well.  The design consisted of a PVC barrel, a PVC ball valve, and a length of PVC that had an end cap fitted with the tire valve on the end.  To use it, one simply closed the ball valve, muzzle loaded a dart into the barrel, pumped up the gas reservoir with a bike tire pump, aimed, and opened the ball valve.  This design was simple and cheap to make, but although it was not lacking in power, it was lacking in usefulness. After all, you only get one shot with it, and it takes 30 seconds to reload at the absolute minimum.  This means it could make a decent sniper rifle, but it could never be used on the front lines.  My new design aims to fix most of the issues with this former design, and it uses parts from broken Nerf and airsoft guns to accomplish that.

Introducing the Plumber's Dream v2.0:

The there are three parts that form the core mechanics of this blaster.  Firstly, there is the barrel system.  Those of you who are familiar with the Nerf Rough Cut will probably recognize that the barrel of this blaster is taken directly from a Rough Cut.  I had a Rough Cut that I got from a thrift store that was broken beyond repair, so I remove the smart air restrictor system for use in this blaster.  The next part that I employed for the mechanism of this blaster are the triggers, which are made from air compressor blower valves.  The last part that forms the core of this blaster are the fill valves.  The fill valves will be taken from two broken magazines of airsoft pistols.  They will allow me to fill the gas chamber with propane, which compresses far better than air. These are not yet installed, as I require a tap of the right size in order to properly fit them to the blaster. They will be installed somewhere along the length of the gas reservoir.

This design is still a work-in-progress, but it should be much more effective than the older design. Ergonomically, this design is much more reminiscent of an actual pistol.  As such, it should be easier to wield than the former design.  The improvements don't stop there.  For starters, this design has an actual trigger, which makes it much easier to fire accurately.  Next, the gas reservoir is made of metal.  This means that it will be able to be pressurized to much higher pressures in theory.  Lastly, this new model has a ammunition capacity of eight.  The two triggers each control one side of four shots.  Quickly pulling one trigger should fire one dart at a time.  The longer you hold the trigger, the more darts it will shoot.  A short burst should release one dart, whereas a long press should release a volley of 4 shots per side.

If you want to read more about the smart air restrictor system that this pistol incorporates, here is a very informative link:

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